Things Written

Published Novel:  January 7, 2017 ( 1/7/17 )

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Jim is a homeless addict. His drug of choice is healing people. But a gift bestowed can have a mind of its own. For some, he may only see colors, but when the disease manifests itself as an entity, then he’s compelled to action.

Each time his compulsion to heal overtakes him, it drives him further into a spotlight he wants to avoid. The Reverend Baxter, by mistake, believes he’s healed a dying boy at the shelter, and it pulls Jim in deeper.

Jim’s brilliant idea to be the reverend’s assistant, will give him access to all the desperate people seeking miracles. Fame and power may consume everything.

Short Stories:

MEDIUM MEDIUM     ( Click Title Link to Read )
Published: May 2012 on DarkMedia Online
Jack reverses the whip during his impromptu psychic reading.
1700 Words.

LOTTO MAN      ( Click Title Link to Read )
Published May 7, 2012 on the Nautilus Engine
Eric figures out a way to increase his odds in the Texas Lottery.  After he pulls a hat-trick, he gets attention from someone who most people would try to avoid.
2300 Words

CHICAGO  ’71  (Click Title  Link to Read)
The Texas Writers Journal’s Grand Prize Winner for 2014 – Annual finalist selected for publication in the July 2014 quarterly issue.
Anna Marie and her family are caught in a blaze that blackens their clothes but doesn’t harden their souls.
2750 Words

Novel: Completed Publishing in Process



Completed Final Draft from Beta Readers.  Prepping for second wave of queries

Dream Across This Mortal Coil

Fifteen-year-old Lucinda is always awake.  Her nightmares have become so real, they blur the line between sleeping and waking.  That’s how David, the boyfriend from her dreams, explains it.

Luce wants to keep her sophomore year normal by finding a real boyfriend, enjoying homecoming, and accepting the lead for the school play.  But her dream reality has other ideas and crosses over into this one, creating havoc for her social life.

In her dreams, David introduces Luce to the Collective, who believe they can teach her to control these nightmares.  Her homegrown abilities, mixed with her lack of training, make her the equivalent of a toddler playing with loaded gun.  She’s firing in all directions, and anyone in any of her realities can get hurt.

She is torn between two worlds: maintaining the simple life of a high school student versus the complex freedom of her dreams.  While her powers make a quantum leap, warring factions in her dream world compete for her allegiance.  She’s a weapon, but for which side?

DREAM ACROSS THIS MORTAL COIL is a YA metaphysical novel, complete at 80,000 words.

Novel in Progress:


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